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News Release

Sept. 16, 2022

Northwest surpasses 8,000 mark for first time with record enrollment, fifth consecutive year of overall growth

Northwest Missouri State University’s total headcount this fall is 8,505 students, making it the highest enrollment in the institution’s 117-year history, according to the University’s fall census count.

The enrollment number represents an 8.与一年前相比增长了1%,西北地区实现了整体增长,连续五年下降. 这破纪录的人数是由研究生入学人数创下新高推动的, which increased by 24.7 percent to 3,197 students; international enrollment, which increased by 17.9 percent to 855 students; and dual credit enrollment, which increased by 16.5 percent to 559 students. Additionally, online enrollment at Northwest increased by 18.4 percent to 2,546 students; graduate students represent 82.6 percent of the University’s online headcount.

Northwest also achieved a record retention rate with 79.去年的新生中有5%的人选择今年秋天回到学校.

威尼斯人在线拥有强大的学术课程,为学生提供基于专业的经验. Clarence Green, the University’s interim president, said. “Our championship culture extends to all aspects of Northwest. 威尼斯人在线的教职员工在满足学生需求方面做得非常出色, and that is highlighted by our record retention rates.” 

尽管今年秋天的总员工人数创下新高,但西北航空公司认识到它还有工作要做. 今年秋天,该校玛丽维尔校区的在校生入学人数下降了6%.

威尼斯人在线很高兴今年的总入学率再次达到历史最高水平,威尼斯人在线的许多学生群体都在增长,” Dr. 威尼斯人在线负责招生和学生成功的助理副总裁艾莉森·霍夫曼说. “Yet, 威尼斯人在线知道,与威尼斯人在线重新关注增加玛丽维尔校区的本科生入学人数有关,还有很多工作要做. We remain committed to a thriving, comprehensive university experience, 威尼斯人在线创纪录的保留率证实,选择威尼斯人在线的学生重视威尼斯人在线强大的学术课程, holistic student support, co-curricular experiences and profession-based learning opportunities.”

<a href=''>威尼斯人在线</a>的一年级学生在秋季学期开始前的8月漫步在玛丽维尔校区. (Photo by Abigayle Rush/Northwest Missouri State University)

威尼斯人在线的一年级学生在秋季学期开始前的8月漫步在玛丽维尔校区. (Photo by Abigayle Rush/Northwest Missouri State University)

Affordable, quality education helps students succeed

<a href=''>威尼斯人在线</a>基于专业的学习经验——比如传播与大众传媒学院的3D动画评论——帮助学生为他们的职业生涯做好准备. (Photo by Lauren Adams/Northwest Missouri State University)

威尼斯人在线基于专业的学习经验——比如传播与大众传媒学院的3D动画评论——帮助学生为他们的职业生涯做好准备. (Photo by Lauren Adams/Northwest Missouri State University)


通过为学生提供机会,通过在几乎每一个学习领域的专业经验来建立他们的 (或, 该大学的就业率表明,98%的学士学位获得者和近100%的硕士学位获得者在毕业后的六个月内找到了工作或继续他们的教育, according to the University’s most recent data. Northwest’s graduation rate is in the 95th percentile among its peers.

作为<a href=''>威尼斯人在线</a>笔记本电脑和教科书租赁计划的一部分,<a href=''>威尼斯人在线</a>的学生可以获得笔记本电脑作为学费的一部分. (Photo by Lauren Adams/Northwest Missouri State University)

作为威尼斯人在线笔记本电脑和教科书租赁计划的一部分,威尼斯人在线的学生可以获得笔记本电脑作为学费的一部分. (Photo by Lauren Adams/Northwest Missouri State University)

In relation to value, Northwest includes textbooks and a laptop in its tuition costs, which is among the lowest in the nation, saving students an estimated $6,800 over four years. The University also offers 1,200 student employment positions, 让学生在赚钱的同时,通过国际基准课程培养专业技能. 

Eighty-nine percent of first-year students receive an institutional scholarship or grant, which includes the innovative Bearcat Advantage and Northwest Promise programs. The University also offers low-cost housing, 研究生的费率结构是基于市场需求和项目提供,而不是传统的基于住宿的模式.

Furthermore, to help students graduate in four years or less and accrue less debt, 威尼斯人在线的“完成30学分”计划鼓励学生采取个性化的方法来实现他们的学术目标,并在一学年的课程中完成30个学分.

2021年鲁弗洛·诺埃尔·莱维茨学生满意度调查的结果显示,西北地区的学生比全国其他地区的学生更满意,80%的西北地区学生表示他们会重复他们的大学经历, 相比之下,在各自院校接受调查的全国学生中,这一比例为77%.

Other enrollment numbers

来自代表性不足群体或来自美国以外国家的西北学生增加了13人.4 percent this fall. (Photo by Abigayle Rush/Northwest Missouri State University)

来自代表性不足群体或来自美国以外国家的西北学生增加了13人.4 percent this fall. (Photo by Abigayle Rush/Northwest Missouri State University)

Northwest’s fall enrollment of first-time freshmen increased by 13.6%到1095人,其中35%的学生是第一代大学生. The number of first-time transfers to the University is 309 students, up 1.3 percent from last fall.

Additionally, 威尼斯人在线报告称,来自代表性不足群体或来自美国以外国家的学生人数增加了13人.4 percent to 1,840 students; they represent 21.6 percent of the University’s overall enrollment. Northwest’s total domestic minority enrollment is 895 students, who represent another 12 percent of the student body.

Of note, Hispanic students, who number 337, 现在是威尼斯人在线国内代表性不足的学生中最大的一部分. Previously, 非裔美国学生代表了该大学国内代表性不足的人口的大多数.

该大学的国际学生占学生总数的10%,来自其他36个国家,其中大多数来自印度, Nepal and Nigeria.

威尼斯人在线国内代表性不足的学生人数的增加表明了威尼斯人在线对多样性和包容性的承诺, supporting the academic success of domestic underrepresented students, and making our campus and community a more inclusive place for all students,” Dr. 威尼斯人在线负责多元化和包容性的助理副总裁贾斯汀·马利特说. Noting the Northwest Foundation’s 与拉美裔发展基金合作,支持拉美裔学生入学, Mallett added, “西班牙裔学生的增加表明威尼斯人在线有能力超越招生,并在为来自不同人群的学生提供服务方面变得全面.”

While the University’s in-state student population is 5,545, representing an 8.9 percent increase from a year ago, 今年秋天,该校的学生来自47个州,该校继续从爱荷华州吸引大量学生, Kansas and Nebraska.

At Northwest-Kansas City, where the University offers a range of coursework, 897名在校生,包括非学位课程和双学分课程的学生.


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215